France announced the closing of all “non-indispensable” businesses as of midnight, including restaurants, bars, and movie theaters, after a sharp uptick in the assault from the coronavirus. French cases doubled over the last 72 hours to about 4,500. There have been 91 deaths, and 300 coronavirus patients are in critical condition — half of them under 50 years of age.
フランスは、コロナウイルスによる攻撃の急激な増加の後、レストラン、バー、映画館を含むすべての「不可欠ではない」ビジネスを深夜に閉鎖すると発表しました。フランスのケースは過去72時間で倍増し、約4,500になりました。 91人が死亡し、300人のコロナウイルス患者が重篤な状態にあり、その半数は50歳未満です。
In France, “300 coronavirus patients are in critical condition—half of them under 50 years of age.”
Every one of us has a moral obligation to reduce social exposure right now.
But if the moral reasons don’t do it for you, how about some selfish ones?https://t.co/04hum49bST
— Yascha Mounk (@Yascha_Mounk) 2020年3月14日
Scary figures out of France — previous assumption was that this hit older people the hardest:
NYT: There have been 91 deaths, and 300 coronavirus patients are in critical condition, *** half of them under 50 years of age.*** https://t.co/pNSGkFnCvk— Michael Barbaro (@mikiebarb) 2020年3月14日
Being young doesn’t mean you can’t get sick: In France, “there have been 91 deaths, and 300 coronavirus patients are in critical condition — half of them under 50 years of age.” https://t.co/pjdsKXWspu
— Ivo Daalder (@IvoHDaalder) 2020年3月14日
